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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Monday, November 19, 2018


Q1. The working set theory of programming behavior of processes running within an operating system involves: a) The collection of pages that a process accesses b) Disk scheduling mechanisms c) Coalescing holes in memory d) Assigning the CPU to processes e) None of The Above Q2. Trojan Horse programs: a) Are legitimate programs that allow unauthorized access b) Do not usually work c) Are hidden programs that do not show up on the system d) Usually are immediately discovered e) None of The Above Q3. Page Stealing: a) is a sign of an efficient system b)...

Monday, October 22, 2018

IBPS SO IT 2017 memory based questions (PDF) mail me at (


IBPS SO IT OFFICER ( live topic


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Let's do start for SBI clerk 2018 Vacancies...


Friday, May 12, 2017

Dear Students Read one liners computer questions........

you are free to ask any query ...... 1)  The code for a Web page is written using Hypertext Markup language 2)  The first computers were programmed using Machine language 3)  A filename is a unique name that you give to a file of information 4)  This can be another word for program software 5)  Any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as storage 6)  Which part of the computer displays the work done monitor 7)  A series of instructions that tells a computer what...

Saturday, July 9, 2016


1.  Convert octal number 536 to its equivalent 8. EBCDIC can code up to how many different hexadecimal number ? characters? a. 15 E b. 15 D c. 14 D a. 256 b. 16  c. 32 d. 13 E e. None of these d. 64 e. None of these 2. ...